This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They will also complete a major paper as part of a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.
The Writer’s Craft
$1,400.00 CAD
Course Code: EWC4U
Course Type: University
Prerequisite: English, Grade 11, University Preparation
Credit Value: 1
Unit 1: Words, Words, Words
This introductory unit establishes foundational course components and key writing skills in order to build a reflective community of writers and foster constructive dialogue in the classroom. Following from the assumption that words are the writer’s primary tools, students analyse forms and effects of language and diction.
Unit 2: The Writer and the Craft
Students examine models and practise writing strategies using a range of selected published samples. This activity helps students to establish a personal “idea bank”, process portfolio, journal, and peer conferencing skills which will continue to develop throughout the course.
Unit 3: Writing for Media
In this unit, students select and examine one current political event or social issue as presented in various media forms. Students produce a variety of pieces of writing, e.g., newspaper editorial, radio interview script, newscast, and magazine article, focusing on their chosen issue.
Unit 4: Writing for Specialized Audiences
A variety of writing tasks include both assigned and student-selected topics for a range of specialized audiences including academic, business/technical, and creative communities. Particular attention is paid to the application of research in careers in writing and publishing.
Unit 5: Writing to be Published
The “Memoir” activity is a gentle entry into the major assignment of this unit, the Children’s Story, a writing exercise in composing for a specific audience. The specific audience for the memoir is young adults.